Saturday, March 19, 2011

Belakangan ini pihak kepolisian kembali heboh dengan melakukan penertiban Plat Nomor Polisi (Nopol) kendaraan bermotor. Undang-undang nya memang sudah lama dibuat.

Dalam pasal 68 UU No 22 Tahun 1999 tentang Lalulintas dan Angkutan Jalan disebutkan, kendaraan bermotor wajib memakai tanda nomor kendaraan bermotor yang memenuhi syarat bentuk, ukuran, bahan, warna dan cara pemasangan. Bagi yang melanggar akan dikenakan pasal 280 UU yang sama, yakni denda paling banyak Rp 500.000 atau kurungan 2 bulan.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

(Reuters) - Europe's energy chief warned on Wednesday of a further catastrophe at Japan's nuclear site in the coming hours but his spokeswoman said he had no specific or privileged information on the situation.
"In the coming hours there could be further catastrophic events, which could pose a threat to the lives of people on the island," Guenther Oettinger told the European Parliament.
by : otakku

Believe it or not, the picture that there is a battery in the future.
A battery with a transparent flexible even in its use.
These batteries
have the raw material polymer with the existing systems at this time to a rechargeable battery (rechargeable).

by Otakku 

Do not look down on the tablet before this one though do not have the technology that is "hot"right now such as Dual Core processor or 3D lens.

Ten tablets SmartQ is 9.7 inch (1024 × 768) country-made bamboo (China), which is only equipped with the Cortex A9 processors, Android OS 2.2 (Froyo) and 512 MB ​​of RAM memory.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Earthquake + Tsunami with 8.9 yesterday at the city scale "SAKURA" is a the largest in history in Japan (after more than 140 years). that occurred in the eastern part of Japan which, according to the latest news about casualties 1,300 people who died.
by : Otakku
Usually when someone built a super computer, computer equipment must have a think about what is needed and the structure and network design in it but rarely to think in terms of existing aesthetics.
But this concept began to change with what has been done by MareNostrum in Barcelona, Spain.

Super Computer Mare Nostrum is number 9 in the world but if there is any category of super computers prettiest then MareNostrum will be number one of course.
See, the architectural design is in it is very much like a hotel lobby for us :-)
This super computer has 10,240 processors, 20 terabytes (TB) of memory and hard drive for 280 Terabyte (TB). Wow!

Source news

World's prettiest super computer crunches numbers in style.

 We have never heard that there are offices or companies that allow employees / pendonor its respective carrying refrigerators to cool beverages (soft drinks).
You can imagine how spacious the place is definitely needed and also the company's electricity bill when that happens?
USB Mini Fridge or USB-powered mini fridge may be a solution because the size is only 194 x 90 x 90 mm ​​can you put on your desk or beside the computer.
As in writing on the website, that cooling can be achieved is about 8.5 degrees Celsius so we feel enough to quench your thirst after working hard for the company.
It is unfortunately only one can be enough to put in the "refrigerator" is but like the ancient proverb says "better to have one than none at all.

Source news

USB Mini Fridge

 by : Otakku

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sebenarnya kita selalu mendapat “informasi” atau semacam peringatan setiap kali sesuatu akan terjadi, bahkan ketika akan jatuh sakit. Masalahnya, mampukah kita menangkapnya?Setiap kali habis terjadi bencana, seperti ledakan bom, gempa bumi, tsunami atau kecelakan pesawat, seringkali kita lalu membaca atau mendengar cerita orang mengenai firasat yang diperolehnya sebelum bencana terjadi. Menurut Sumarsono Wuryadi, hal itu tidak aneh karena sebenarnya di samping panca indera, manusia juga memiliki indera yang tidak kelihatan namun sangat peka, yang disebut ESP (extra sensory perception).